
Information for Online Disputes

"Online Dispute Resolution" (ODR platform by EU regulation)

Link to EU online dispute resolution (splatform)

Information according to Paragraph. 14 of EU Regulation no. 524/2013 (ODR Regulation)

Information for online dispute resolution: The European Commission presents an Internet platform for online dispute settlement (so-called "ODR platform") as a focal point for the extrajudicial settlement of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from online contracts on goods or services used.

The EU Commission OS platform can be accessed at the link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr

We can be reached via e-mail address: albert.kiel@kiel-briefmarken.de



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The content of our website has been compiled with meticulous care and to the best of our knowledge. However, we cannot assume any liability for the up-to-dateness, completeness or accuracy of any of the pages. Pursuant to section 7, para. 1 of the TMG (Telemediengesetz – Tele Media Act by German law), we as service providers are liable for our own content on these pages in accordance with general laws. However, pursuant to sections 8 to 10 of the TMG, we as service providers are not under obligation to monitor external information provided or stored on our website. Once we have become aware of a specific infringement of the law, we will immediately remove the content in question. Any liability concerning this matter can only be assumed from the point in time at which the infringement becomes known to us.

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Our website contains links to the websites of third parties (“external links”). As the content of these websites is not under our control, we cannot assume any liability for such external content. In all cases, the provider of information of the linked websites is liable for the content and accuracy of the information provided. At the point in time when the links were placed, no infringements of the law were recognisable to us. As soon as an infringement of the law becomes known to us, we will immediately remove the link in question.

Please note: NS emblems and symbols
The condition for any acquisitions from Philasearch offers is for you to take notice of §86 and §86a StGB, German Law. 'A historical and military item from the year 1933-1945 with a third Reich emblem, is not to be used in any propagandistical way. It is strictly forbidden and a criminal offence.' The items only to be used, among other things, for civil educational intention, historical research, to report about the happenings of the NS-Time.

Company information
AAK Phila GmbH
Pfungstädter Str. 35
64297 Darmstadt
Phone: (06151) 55 047, Fax: (06151) 55 049
E-Mail: info@kiel-briefmarken.de
Internet: http://www.kiel-briefmarken.de
Executive Director: Albert Kiel
Tax.-Nr.: 007 228 00370
Commercial Register: HRB 9161 Darmstadt, USt-ID: DE 235 710 057

Opening hours: Monday till Friday 10 - 13 & 14 - 17

Auction Date: September 22, 2012
  • Switzerland Postage due stamps

    • Lot 9825 (D)

    NACHPORTO schönes Lot mit 5 interessanten Belegen aus 1893-1911

    50.00 EUR
    (app. 52 USD)

  • Switzerland Supplies: pre-printed albums

    • Lot 9814 (D)

    1985-2001 Jahrbücher, alle LEER!, Luxuserhaltung


  • Switzerland Collections

    • Lot 9815 (D)

    1850-1954 gehaltvolle Slg. in 2 Lindner Ringbindern ab Klassik mit sehr gutem Teil Steh. Helvetia, viele gute Ausgaben ab den 20er Jahren, viele Blocks, gute Flugpost-Belege, viel Extras mit Dienst, Porto, Portofreiheit etc.

    Sold at Auction
    175.00 EUR
    (app. 182 USD)

    • Lot 9819 (D)

    1854-1962 Slg. ab Nr 13-14 mit einer Vielzahl kpl. Sätze im alten Album. Dabei 3x 58-64,71-73, PJ von 1915-1961 kpl., etc., postfr. teils ungebr. und gestpl. geführt

    300.00 EUR
    (app. 311 USD)

    • Lot 9822 (D)

    AB 1900, Zusammenstellung mit u.a. Mi. 71-73 gestpl., Pro Juve 1920/1921 gestpl. (€ 130), Mi. 189-91 postfr., Mi. 387-94 postfr. u. gestpl. (€ 125), Mi. 518 postfr., div. postfr. Ämter-Ausg. usw.

    100.00 EUR
    (app. 104 USD)

    • Lot 9823 (D)

    SPECIMEN-PROBEDRUCKE, postfr. Lot aus den 1960er Jahren auf Steckkarten m. >100 Stück, meist als 4er-Blocks, dabei auch Randstücke

    50.00 EUR
    (app. 52 USD)

    • Lot 9817 (D)

    1854-1934 Slg. mit vielen besseren Ausg. u.a. Strubel Mi. 13-17, 27, 101-10, Pro Juve-Sätze von 1915-1922 gestpl. kpl. usw., auf altem Schwaneberger-Vordr.

    200.00 EUR
    (app. 208 USD)

    • Lot 9818 (D)

    1854-1950 (ca.) netter Bestand mit gutem Teil Steh. u. Sitzende Helvetia mit einigen guten ungebr. Werten, weiter Pro Juve etc., wenig modernes im E-Buch

    Sold at Auction
    40.00 EUR
    (app. 42 USD)

    • Lot 9820 (D)

    1854-1975 gehaltvolle Nachlass-Slg. im Sprechenden Behrensalbum ab 14 Strubelis mit guten Typen, guter Teil Sitz. u. Steh. Helvetia, alle Pro Juve ab 1915, Geflügelter Brief uvm., meist gute gestpl. Erhaltung!

    Sold at Auction
    80.00 EUR
    (app. 83 USD)

    • Lot 9821 (D)

    1907-2003 gestpl. Slg m. mittleren Ausgaben u.a. 1 Fr Ikarus u. vielen kpl. Sätzen u.a. der 40er/50er Jahre im E-Buch, ATM etc.

    Sold at Auction
    30.00 EUR
    (app. 31 USD)

    • Lot 9816 (D)

    1851-1976 sauber gestpl. Slg. mit einer Vielzahl besserer Ausgaben im Schaubek-Vordr.-Album, dabei Strubel Mi. 13-17, 20-35, 58-70 usw., von 1900-1976 lediglich bis auf wenige Blocks u. der Mi. 152 bereits kpl. mit allen Pro Juve-Sätzen ab 1915, Mi. 74-110, 179-83, 233-34X u. Z, Bl. 3-4, Bl. 8 u. 10, gutem PAX-Satz usw., Empfehlenswertes Objekt!

    Mail Auction
    870.00 EUR
    (app. 903 USD)

  • Switzerland Covers bulk lot

    • Lot 9824 (D)

    1865-1884 AMTSSACHEN tolle Slg. m. 8 St. m. interess. Stpln.

    100.00 EUR
    (app. 104 USD)

Current Time: Friday February 14th 2025 - 08:35 MET